We stopped at the tack store first to buy some toys and a belt for Fin.
We stopped at Eagans for lunch outside. Not much food was consumed, but we have fun, that's what counts.
Then we came home and left again to go get Jake.
Jake was happy to get home and then there was more water fun!
Nona drives the Gator for the first time. It wasn't a real smooth take off and Spencer jumped 10 feet sideways when she lurched toward the fence.
The dogs just take it all in stride. That blur is their Scottie. I'll get a picture of him yet.
Nona had a REALLY BIG MOMENT today. She finally took a poop! I was so proud of her and told her next time she did that, we'd have a party!
Fin and I had to buy some lottery scratch tickets at the store and we each won 2 bucks. Gambling is educational. Right? It's working on numbers and matching things.
Getting everyone into bed was a little challenging tonight. But we are getting better at this every day.
Not really.
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